Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and E.D.

High blood pressure defined as a resting reading over 130/80 has been proven to cause diminishment of erection quality. It seems almost ironic that the “extra pressure” doesn’t help the penis stay engorged. The reality is that constant insults of high-pressure result in the development of scar tissue that is not as elastic as our undamaged vessels. This reduced ability to stretch means the erection cannot reach its full potential. It is somewhat normal for our vessels to become less elastic as we age, but we should do our best to impede this process. Sodium causes water to be retained (think back to those osmosis lectures in biology). This retention increases the pressure as that water will diffuse into your blood (increasing the mass within a finite volume) and raise your blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends that the average adult consumes a diet in sodium of 1500mg per day(consult with your doctor if this is appropriate for you). The DASH Diet (Dietary Approach for Stopping Hypertension) should give you an idea of the foods you can consume to stay within your goal. You can also find recipes sponsored by The American Heart Association here https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart . A good rule of thumb is to shop on the outside aisles of grocery stores. Those aisles contain your produce, and generally healthier options. Following a heart healthy diet will help ensure good erection quality, and will help maintain good cardiovascular health!